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Electric Storm

It was a dark and stormy evening.

These guys were were paddling with urgency.

I wouldn’t want to be in the water with this happening above me either.

The skies over the islands were alive.

Waikiki appeared to be under attack. In a beautiful sort of way.

Lightning over the Ala Wai Canal, Magic Island and Waikiki.

Yet at times, the light bursts made the the city look serene.

The day started off sunny and warm. But at around 3:30 in the afternoon a small but mighty thunder storm hit the islands. It brought heavy rain and a ton of lightning. We even had water spouts (tornadoes over water) popping up over Ala Moana. The storm has passed now and hopefully tomorrow will be a beautiful beach day. I’ll be stuck in the office but I have a couple friends in town on vacation and I hope they get to enjoy the day.

Facebook and Twitter have been abuzz with pics from the storm. I managed to get a few okay shots but some of our local photogs (with way more talent than me) snapped some really amazing pics.

See some incredible photos here:

This story was last modified on May 18, 2013. (Originally published in May 2011.)

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